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It Just Works

Cards have a few different facets, each with their own way to use a card which will be denoted on the card you buy.  The more cards you buy with Caps in a specific category, the more modifiers you will receive for that stat. When rolling that stat it will be applied to your roll automatically. Below you will find the different types of cards, these include "Special Cards", "Inventory" Cards,  and Race Specific Cards. 


"Special" Cards

Special Cards are those cards you can purchase on the left side of the HUD.  S.P.E.C.I.A.L cards are what make you, well, special! They are a core aspect of our system so you should familiarize yourself with them. When you expand your hud (by clicking the 'open' button) you will see seven empty rows, one for each letter. Click on an empty box in any of the stats and you will open the perk store, here you can browse each of the stats, what cards they have to offer and purchase them with the caps you have earned during your time on the sim. Each card is unique, so make sure to read up on their details and find the best combination for you!   As you continue your journey with us and obtain more cards, you will notice your stat modifier increase +5 for each card in the respected stat. For instance, if you have two Intelligence cards, when you click on intelligence to roll +10 will automatically be added to the total. These base stats are generally used for modifiers to S.P.E.C.I.A.L Card effects or during encounters to represent certain actions taken by actors in the scene.




"Inventory" Cards

 In your expanded hud you will notice eight more slots in the bottom right. Don't worry, this is just your inventory! The two empty slots to the left represent your equipped weapon ⚔ and equipped armor 🛡️. You can equip a weapon or armor by clicking on them and pressing the 'Equip' option in the popup dialog. You can also 'Show' the item to everyone nearby, 'Trade' the item with your friends, 'Discard' the item forever to be lost or 'Use' the item to apply its effect. Once you 'Use' a consumable item, it is gone forever, so make sure you choose the right time! But hang on! We still need to get some items in t he first place! Thankfully you can do this with a single click in any of the eight empty squares to open the item shop over your perk card screen. Here you can peruse the item selection, from some much needed armor to a tasty Nuka Cola and ultimately buy what you need with your cap collection. Once you are done, simply click the close button and carry on carrying your wasteland treasure!



Racial Cards

The wasteland is an interesting place full of interesting things. From DNA warping radiation, twisting and reforming mind and sinew alike into new creations, to technology that should have never existed and everything in-between. Their uniqueness is represented by limited S.P.E.C.I.A.L cards and are restricted to their respective race. For instance, only a Glowing One can use the Play Card: Radiation Blast. These racial cards can only be obtained by contacting Lex Akros in world or discord and will not show up in your perk store!

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